Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Friendly Day

I'm not a huge fan of having friends over. That's probably bad to say, but we are rarely home, and when we are, I really enjoy spending time together as a family. Plus, one advantage of having two girls sixteen months apart is that they are best friends, and there is always someone to play with. Also, I'm a disciplinarian. I can't help it. It's just my nature. I like things to be calm, organized and under control. As a teacher, those are good traits, on a play date, not so much. Not to mention, they're at a new school and I don't know any parents and they don't know me. Anyway, the girls have been begging to have friends over for a while, and we are finally going to get to spend most of our break at home, so I thought it would be a good time to step out of my comfort zone and let them invite a friend over. I have to say, they have great judgement. (I only hope they have such good taste in boys when that time comes.) The girls they invited over were absolutely precious. They were extremely sweet, polite, and helpful. I could go on and on. They were all there for around five hours and I never heard anything negative, no arguing or anything. One of them even insisted on helping me clean up the kitchen. (I so need to get some tips from her mom.) Everyone just had a really great time playing together. We started out by making gingerbread houses, and I'm pretty sure that eating the icing and plethora of candy was the best part.

Lincoln, of course, had to be in the middle of it all in his elf apron nonetheless.

They played school, wii and then took a hot chocolate break with a few choice toppings.

If they can get over the horrible behavior of my two year old, maybe they'll come play again. Seriously, Lincoln apparently doesn't know what to do when he doesn't have the full attention of his sisters. He was showing off and torturing the girls in every way imaginable. His behavior included but was not limited to chewing up twizzlers and spitting it at the girls, picking his nose and wiping it on the girls, tantrum throwing, throwing applesauce on the floor and walls, etc. I was mortified. It was like a TV episode that featured the naughty little brother. He did finally take a nap which I have never been more thankful for. post signature

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