This week at school I dissected frogs with my 2nd and 3rd graders. The frogs were actually thawing out in my refrigerator and the girls saw them in there. They started asking all kinds of questions, and decided they wanted to dissect a frog too. I told them if I had an extra, I would let them try it. One of my students was absent today, so it just so happened I had one frog left over. I thought they would be grossed out, but they loved it! Skylar was all about cutting it open and finding the organs. My girly girls may just be coming around......
Future surgeons maybe? I am quite amazed that they were so interested. Good for them for not being grossed out. There are a lot of older kids who wouldn't be able to do that! Love you all and can't wait to see those little twinkle toes this weekend!
I am in total shock that this is something you are doing with 2nd and 3rd graders! I think it was high school before we started doing such labs (which by the way I HATED!! - shudder, shudder, shudder). Man have times changed : )
WOW! I am totally shocked. They aren't so girly afterall. I disected a human cadaver in high school...that was very different!
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