Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Keep Out...

We're Praying! So, Londyn got some ICarly Valentine's, and inside the box there was a poster. The girls took the poster out, and wrote on it "Don't Come In, We're Praying" and taped it to their door. So, either they have a bit of a spiritual side, or they are just more devious in their plotting to keep the parents out. I mean, who's going to barge in on praying children. I asked Skylar if they prayed a lot, and she said, "Well, sometimes, the other day I prayed that Lincoln would stop crying."


Brooke said...

LOL! Gotta love praying children! That is a cute story.

Kristi V. said...

It's getting old always leaving the following comment behind, but it's so true. H..I...L...A...R...I...O...U...S!!!