Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Day of School

Londyn on her first day of Pre-K. Not at all excited about getting her picture taken.
My shy little Skylar on her first day of Kindergarten who appears to be coming out of her shell with this sassy pose.
Both of my not so baby babies on their first day of school 2009.
Skylar also made the slide show on the BA Ledger website. I guess that's one of the advantages of being a teacher's kid and being at school early! The link is below if you want to check it out.

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Brooke said...

OKAY, THEY DO NOT LOOK LIKE OUR BABIES AT ALL! So ADORABLE! I love these pictures, but they look way too old! I am glad they were both so excited about school! I am excited for them! Can't wait to see you all again! LOVE YOU!

Melinda said...

Oh my word? Is it possible that they just keep getting cuter and cuter?