Saturday, March 28, 2009

Out Like a Lion

I'm not sure if the old proverb about March is reversible, but it seems to have worked out that way this year. (Someone please confirm that there is a saying about March that has to do with lions and lambs. I was reading the post to Kevin and he acted as if had no idea what I was talking about.) I was all ready for spring, and here comes a snowstorm. The girls didn't seem to mind, they were thrilled to spend a little time outside wading through the snow and challenging each other to a snowball fight.

All snow days must end with a little hot chocolate and fireside conversation in matching pajamas.

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Grandma Del said...

How much snow did you get?

Melinda said...

I was going to ask the same question? We ended up getting a couple of inches...not nearly as much as what they thought it would be.

Devin said...

We got about 7 inches I think.

Jessica said...

"march comes in like a lion and out like a lamb"...i even had a bulletin board to prove it. ha. maybe only teachers keep fresh on such sayings?