Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Break Preview

I am always eagerly anticipating fall break. It is not only my favorite season of the year, but it is the first break from school! A couple of years ago, my mom planned a lot of fall/Halloween activities to do with the kids, and it was such a hit, it is now a fall break tradition. So, we headed to Missouri to see what was in store for the Fredendall Fall Fest 2010! I came home with 44o pictures that I am trying to sift through, but I thought in the meantime I would post a little preview from our weekend. There will be more fall break pics to come! A few of the food items that my mom made with the kids.
The family sporting their googly eye glasses!

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1 comment:

Brooke said...

I can't wait to see more pictures! Love the googly eyes!