Thursday, April 19, 2012

Robber's Cave

I previously posted video of the girls' climb from this trip, but I thought I'd post a few photos as well. I've never really considered myself much of an outdoor person, but I have to say, this trip along with our camping trip last fall rank at the top of my favorite family outings. Maybe because they were both so laid back and I had little expectations for them, but they were both genuinely relaxing. Of course, the kids favorite part of any overnight excursion is the place we stay. They really couldn't care less if it's a nice hotel, or a tent they love it just the same. Our accomodations were pretty bare bones, but we managed to stay pretty comfortable. The first thing they all wanted to do was to climb up to the top bunk in the cabin.

In attempt to keep Lincoln from falling off the cliff while the majority of the group were training to rappel, we found a few smaller rocks for him to climb. He was pretty proud!

Kevin preparing to rappel.

Skylar practicing...

Londyn pracicing...

The girls at the top of the cliff. Skylar on her way to the top.

Londyn tryin to beat Skylar.

Kevin and Skylar enjoying a smores after the devo.

All packed up and ready to go back home. Not really.. the escape from reality was quite nice. I could have stayed a little longer.

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1 comment:

Alice said...

your kids are fearless! glad you guys had a relaxing time.